歷史學家這一行業,我認為是在從事找尋、發掘與重構的工作,這是一項美妙的行業,但也是一項困難的行業,要做的好,必須投入相當的工作, 擁有許多不同領域的知識,以及具有一項真實的智識力量:好奇、想像、組織能力、清晰的表達,與公正不偏頗的思想,並具有對不同類型的人的感受力。 -Marc Bloch


[網站] Art & Material Culture of China

21:18 Posted by chiaroscuro No comments


我最近對Material Culture感到很有興趣,一方面是因為現在對朝聖這個主題很有興趣,另一方面是因為這兩學期我修的幾門西洋藝術史的課,看了一些以前沒有接觸過的文章,這些文章的內容都離不開物質文化的研究,像是有關於西洋中古時期的家具史、服飾史與文藝復興時期的居家擺設與佈置。聽老師說,寫這篇關於居家擺設的學者,視自己是藝術史學者,也是歷史學者,這很有趣,我一直想多知道歷史學研究者是怎麼看待藝術史研究的,不管反應怎麼樣,應該都會很有趣。嗯,回台灣之後,我再問問看我所認識老師的意見,再跟大家報告,或許你們也有些想法。



14:04 Posted by sharpy No comments
臺灣大學歷史學系96 學年第2 學期學位論文發表會

時間:97 年3 月17 日(週一) 上午八時二十分


8:10 報 到
8:15 主任致辭


主講人 / 指導教授 / 論文題目 / 評論人

D91123004 廖宜方 / 甘懷真、陳弱水 / 隋唐時代的名勝古蹟與歷史記憶 / (未定)

D92123004 林韻柔 / 陳弱水 / 中古時期五臺山信仰的發展 / 蔡宗憲

D89123003 趙立新 / 甘懷真、陳弱水 / 南朝士人交遊文化與士族社會的變動 / 王惟貞

R93123002 吳書萍 / 陳弱水 / 唐代八世紀前後江南地域的士人 / 李長遠


R94123008 陳韻如 / 李貞德 / 漢唐之間醫書房內疾病考-兼論其身心想像與性別意義 / 林欣儀

R93123003 吳立仁 / 吳展良 / 唐宋之際「文」概念的演變 / 李長遠

R91123014 詹敬仁 / 閻鴻中 / 墨子兼愛說的演變 / 趙立新

D88123002 呂世浩 / 阮芝生 / 兩漢之際的政治與史學-以《史記》到《漢書》的轉變為中心/ 閻鴻中


R94123017 金芙安 / 陳慧宏 / 天主教要理問答的特殊性質與其在晚明中西文化交流對話中的角色 / 張志惠

R94123004 吳欣芳 / 陳慧宏 / 利瑪竇所代表耶穌會士著書在晚明書籍脈絡的使用/ 翁稷安

R95123009 涂豐恩 / 梁其姿/ 從醫案看明清徽州的醫病關係 / 皮國立

R93123015 邱俊明 / 林維紅 / 晚清民初報刊中的產護/性別論述: 以《婦女時報》為例 / 周敘琪


R93123004 黃崇凱 / 王遠義 / 晚清民初知識人社會角色的轉變-以章士釗為例 / 詹景雯

R94123001 施姵妏 / 周婉窈 / 清代臺灣地震災害與救恤措施 / 陳志豪

R93123006 金柏全 / 周婉窈 / 日治時期台灣的實業教育 / 陳志豪

R94123002 邱士杰 / 黃俊傑 王遠義 / 台灣社會主義運動的起源及其資本 主義論 (1920-1924) / 施純純

R92123016 施文婷 / 陳永發 / 中國知識份子在50、60年代政治運 動及思想改造中的遭遇:以杜高和 郭小川的例子為縮影 / 張志惠



22:38 Posted by chiaroscuro 4 comments



20:51 Posted by sharpy No comments


(二)、指導單位: 行政院青輔會
(三)、主辦單位:臺灣歷史學會 、國立政治大學台灣史研究所






(九)、投稿方式:請填寫報名表,並備妥論文綱要及摘要(1千字以內),於截止日前,e-mail到:sea@mail.twcenter.org.tw信箱,或郵寄到「10488台北市南京東路三段215號10樓,台灣歷史學會 收」,並註明:「2008全國研究生歷史學論文發表會」徵文(以郵戳為憑)。報名表、撰稿格式下載及相關詳細訊息,請至:http://www.twhistory.org.tw/ 查詢,或電洽02-27122836台灣歷史學會 陳朝海或曾秋美。





21:41 Posted by sharpy 1 comment


很多重要的老辈汉学人物,他们的著作今天读的人已经很少,现在的学生很少有耐性去看,除非是写论文不得已。许理和的著作其实不多,甚至可以说只有一本,那就是一九五九年出版的《佛教征服中国》(Buddhist Conquest of China),但也就是这一本,使他不仅没有被遗忘,也没有被视做过时的人物。许理和几十年来的影响当然不光是因为这部著作。他从六十年代起就是莱顿这个汉学重镇的标志,这种机构上的地位本身也很重要,尤其是他后来的著作数量相对较少,这种对学术机构的领导作用就变得更重要。我到美国的时候许理和已经退休了,但对莱顿的运作的实际影响还是很大。



论时间跨度,《佛教征服中国》只论述到慧远。和许多西方有关中国史的论著相似,《佛教征服中国》也包含不少综述的成分,但各个章节都有细腻独到的讨论,连很多注解都很有价值。不过这部书最主要的贡献是将中国佛教看作是有很强的独立性的宗教运动,而不是印度佛教的附庸,这也许正是他把慧远作为全书重点和终点的意图之一。同时他的“士绅佛教”(Gentry Buddhism)等等的提法都有很强的解释能力。这些概念通过教学传播开来。我早发现许理和对佛教在中古中国能够发展的解释对中国学术圈外的学者影响同样大,这多半可能不是通过这部著作,而是通过许理和后来发表的一些更通俗和概括性的学术论文,那些文章里提到的中国佛教发展的三阶段论,山字型结构等等都很容易让人记住,所以影响也就广。





Erik Zürcher (1928-2008)過世

21:33 Posted by sharpy No comments

In memoriam Em Prof Erik Zurcher, 1928-2008

On Thursday 7 February 2008, the first day of the Chinese New Year,Emeritus Professor Erik Zurcher passed away. He had been in frail health for some time, and his eyes were giving him trouble. He remained fully clear of mind until the end, as testified by his publication in 2007 of a major monograph containing translations of conversations between Jesuit Guilio Aleni and local Chinese literati. This constitutes a unique study of international religious contact, for once not focusing on polemics conducted from elite perspectives but on debate between a missionary and what Zurcher liked to call the local schoolmasters.

A student at Leiden University from 1947, Erik Zurcher produced a brilliant PhD dissertation in 1959, which quickly became a classic in the study of Chinese Buddhism, _The Buddhist Conquest of China_. The first edition is still graced by his beautiful Chinese handwriting (he was also known for his masterful drawings). The Buddhist Conquest was reprinted in 1972 and again in 2007, indicating the importance of this work. Personally, I have always felt that his dissertation must have been both a joy (for it set him off on a successful career) and a burden (for it was a hard act to follow). Be that as it may, he wrote a flow of serious articles from the 1970s onward--on such topics as early Chinese vernacular, Buddhist messianism and the early Jesuit mission--of which the significance is undiminished today. Somewhere hidden in a drawer there must be several typescript chapters of his grammar of the Chinese in Kumarajiva's translations of Buddhist texts. A common element in his research on Buddhism, Christianity and Chinese communism was the encounter of Chinese culture and foreign thought and worldviews. Characteristically, while he produced a course syllabus containing a detailed analytical model for this material, he never published this in English. He often preferred staying close to the sources rather than designing abstract vistas.

In addition to his scholarly work, Zurcher was also a builder of institutions, at a time when there was much room for personal initiative without red tape or formats imposed from above. As early as 1931, Zurcher's teacher, Professor JLL Duyvendak, had founded the Sinological Institute; after Professor Anthony Hulsewe retired in 1974, Zurcher became the Institute's director, even though the directorship was later deemed ad interim, because the Institute's formal status had somehow evaporated between institutional-organizational lines. However, since "the Sinological Institute" is how Chinese Studies at Leiden University was known internationally, we have continued to use this name at home and abroad--and with some justification, for the Institute comprises a Department of Chinese Studies and an outstanding Sinological Library.

Having first been appointed Reader, in 1961 Erik Zurcher took up duty as full professor of Far-Eastern History, with special attention to Chinese-Western contacts in the broad sense. This was doubtless a purposefully vague designation: in the Chinese tradition, the West includes India, the breeding ground of Buddhism, and not just faraway Europe. In 1969, after several years of successful lobbying, Zurcher founded the Documentation Center for Contemporary China (with a dedicated budget), facilitating the study of present-day China and communism by others. In Europe, this made Leiden one of the Universities that took modern China seriously early on. In itself this made sense, since Chinese Studies in the Netherlands had consistently been linked with practical concerns in the areas of colonial rule, international relations and trade--but it was typical of Zurcher that he managed to put the study of modern China on an institutional footing. From 1976 to 1992, he was co-editor of Ts'oung Pao, the oldest still extant sinological journal today. He enjoyed ample academic recognition, visible in honors such as membership of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (from 1975) and election to Correspondant Etranger de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres (from 1985).

From the 1970s, while taking part in work on European Expansion elsewhere in the Faculty of Arts, Zurcher taught and served in various administrative functions in the Department of Chinese Studies. Additionally, throughout the years he sat on countless committees inside the University and elsewhere, including international scholarly organizations and institutions such as Unesco. In 1978, following a request from Chinese Studies' students, he began preparing slide series for classroom use, an initiative which quickly grew into a prestigious project for visual education (co)funded by the Taiwan Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, for which, together with colleagues, he systematically collected images for the production of thematic slide series. The project moved on into computerization early on, but following the increasingly strict enforcement of copyright rules and the advent of the Internet, what had been a head start now turned into an administrative backlog that made it difficult to continue and expand. Meanwhile, many cohorts of students had enjoyed and learned from this "visualization of Chinese history". urcher's interest in matters visual, closely interwovenwith the archaeology, art and material culture of China, was also manifest in his initiative toward the stablishment of the Hulsewe-Wazniewski Foundation, which has advanced teaching and research in these areas at Leiden University since 1997.

As in his research, so in his teaching Zurcher excelled at clear, well-formulated exposition. Unfortunately, he had no senior students in his own, original field of early Buddhism, but he trained many in the study of Christianity in China in the 17th century. Especially his 1980s seminars truly helped shape some of his students at the time, including Nicolas Standaert, now professor of Chinese at the Catholic University of Leuven and the undersigned. Still, personal attention was not the most important thing, for Zurcher was used to maintaining a certain distance from us as students, and later as PhD candidates and colleagues. While this could at times be frustrating, it was more than made good by the sheer space he gave us to develop--and this was not just laissez-faire but also bespoke a fundamental conception of and attitude to knowledge. During seminar sessions, he would, for instance, emphasize that he himself had needed years to master particular types of language such as those employed in Buddhist and Taoist texts. At the same time, frequent instances of irony in his comments on our readings created room for new interpretations. His astonishing command of various types of premodern Chinese (and English, and Dutch, and many other tongues) made what he said highly motivating for me and many others.

Erik Zurcher combined phenomenal erudition with an exceptionally critical mind and something one might simply call intellectual style--and with a keen sense of humor. He was a great sinologist, who made invaluable contributions to scholarship and inspired many students and colleagues.

Barend ter Haar, 12 February 2008

[演講] 政大醫療史系列講座

03:10 Posted by yw1962 白了少年頭 No comments

主講人:Prof. Paul U. Unschuld
講題: Why Bother Studying the History of Medicine?

主講人:Prof. Paul U. Unschuld

講題:The Emergence of Medicine in Ancient Europe and Ancient China, and the Further Development Until Early Medieaval Europe and Tang China

主講人:Prof. Paul U. Unschuld
講題:Medicine in Renaissance Europe Compared to Song-Jin-Yuan China

主講人:Dr. Ulrike Unschuld
講題:Traditional Pharmacy and Modern Medicine

主講人:Prof. Paul U. Unschuld
講題:The Dawn of Modernity in Europe and the Ming-Qing Era in China

主講人:Prof. Paul U. Unschuld and Dr. Ulrike Unschuld
講題:Chinese Studies in Germany

主講人:Prof. Paul U. Unschuld
講題:Status and Prospect: The Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Europe


【演講】Combating Cattle Plague and Dreaming of Five-Year Plans

12:06 Posted by sharpy No comments

題 目:
Combating Cattle Plague and Dreaming of Five-Year Plans:
Animal Disease, Veterinary Medicine and the Livestock Economy in Colonial Manchuria


Dr. Robert John Perrins(Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Acadia University, Nova Scotia, Canada)

時 間 : 九十七年三月七日(星期五) 上午十時至十二時
地 點 : 中研院人社中心B202會議室