歷史學家這一行業,我認為是在從事找尋、發掘與重構的工作,這是一項美妙的行業,但也是一項困難的行業,要做的好,必須投入相當的工作, 擁有許多不同領域的知識,以及具有一項真實的智識力量:好奇、想像、組織能力、清晰的表達,與公正不偏頗的思想,並具有對不同類型的人的感受力。 -Marc Bloch



20:32 Posted by sharpy , No comments



這個題目在西方比較容易找到參考書,如Keith Thomas就有一本名著Man and the natural world: changing attitudes in England, 1500-1800。其他近代歐洲博物學的作品,更是數不勝數了。


時間 2010年4月18日
地點 國家圖書館(臺北市中山南路20號)
主辦單位 國立清華大學「高羅佩與物質文化研究」增能計畫、國家圖書館漢學研究中心
內容簡介 此次國際論壇邀請到國內外多位重量級學者參與,討論高羅佩三部少為中文世界學術界所知之重要專書《米海岳硯史考》、《琴道》與《長臂猿考》,在物質文化研究中所含意義,並探索高羅佩在二十世紀歐美漢學典範轉移中特殊地位,將視野拓展至文化史全景,與會國外學者及暫擬議程如下:

高彥頤 Dorothy Ko(哥倫比亞大學歷史系教授):〈高羅佩與《米海岳硯史考》〉
魏漢茂Hartmut Walravens(德國國家圖書館原東方部主任):〈高羅佩之漢學家身份考〉
吳任帆 Rembrandt Wolpert(美國阿肯色大學東方音樂研究中心主任):〈高羅佩與他的琴道〉
葛思曼 Thomas Geissmann(瑞士蘇黎世大學長臂猿研究中心主任):〈高羅佩與他的《長臂猿考》〉

目前開放報名,網址如下:http://tinyurl.com/yeouefb 或http://ppt.cc/Z!q8 (兩者通往同一網頁,擇一網址填寫即可),名額有限。



10:52 Posted by sharpy , No comments




第00卷 人類文明的黎明與黃昏
第01卷 亞歷山大的征服與神話
第02卷 Skythia與匈奴:遊牧的文化
第03卷 通商國家迦太基
第04卷 地中海世界與羅馬帝國
第05卷 絲路與唐帝國
第06卷 伊斯蘭帝國的聖戰
第07卷 基爾特的水脈
第08卷 義大利海洋都市的精神
第09卷 蒙古帝國及其漫長之後續
第10卷 奧斯曼帝國500年的和平
第11卷 東南亞:發現多文明世界
第12卷 印加與西班牙:帝國的交錯
第13卷 近代歐洲的霸權
第14卷 俄羅斯、羅馬尼亞王朝的大地
第15卷 東印度公司與亞洲的大海
第16卷 「大英帝國」經驗
第17卷 大清帝國與中華的迷惘
第18卷 大日本與滿州帝國的遺產
第19卷 空中帝國:美國的20世紀
第20卷 人類要往何處去?


The Monkey and the Inkpot: Natural History and Its Transformations in Early Modern China

本書關於「本草綱目」的研究,評論者說,這還是英語世界的第一本專著,讓人有些驚訝。從介紹看來,內容頗值得期待。附帶一題,在本書作者Carla Nappi教授的學校網頁上,她還說自己正在學習阿拉伯語文,以便將來投入研究中國與伊斯蘭世界的科學文化交流。

The Monkey and the Inkpot: Natural History and Its Transformations in Early Modern China

Carla Nappi

Publisher: Harvard University Press; 1 edition (October 15, 2009)

Carla Nappi takes us into one of the greatest Chinese encyclopedias of the natural world and its medicinal properties, the Bencao gangmu, which inspired the vision of the Chinese encyclopedia that haunts the pages of Borges and Foucault. Nappi draws us into the Bencao's complexities, and into the fertile and restless mind of its creator, Li Shizhen. Nappi opens the door on Li's cabinet of wonders.
--Paula Findlen, Stanford University

This first book-length treatment of the [Bencao Gangmu] in English contains a great deal of interest and is undoubtedly a major contribution to its field.
--Steve Moore (Fortean Times )

Product Description
This is the story of a Chinese doctor, his book, and the creatures that danced within its pages. The Monkey and the Inkpot introduces natural history in sixteenth-century China through the iconic Bencao gangmu (Systematic materia medica) of Li Shizhen (1518–1593).

The encyclopedic Bencao gangmu is widely lauded as a classic embodiment of pre-modern Chinese medical thought. In the first book-length study in English of Li’s text, Carla Nappi reveals a “cabinet of curiosities” of gems, beasts, and oddities whose author was devoted to using natural history to guide the application of natural and artificial objects as medical drugs. Nappi examines the making of facts and weighing of evidence in a massive collection where tales of wildmen and dragons were recorded alongside recipes for ginseng and peonies.

Nappi challenges the idea of a monolithic tradition of Chinese herbal medicine by showing the importance of debate and disagreement in early modern scholarly and medical culture. The Monkey and the Inkpot also illuminates the modern fate of a book that continues to shape alternative healing practices, global pharmaceutical markets, and Chinese culture.

About the Author
Carla Nappi is Assistant Professor of History at the University of British Columbia

Sojourners in a Strange Land: Jesuits and Their Scientific Missions in Late Imperial China

21:17 Posted by sharpy , No comments

Sojourners in a Strange Land: Jesuits and Their Scientific Missions in Late Imperial China

Florence C. Hsia

Publisher: University Of Chicago Press (November 15, 2009)

"During the seventeenth century the Jesuits-renowned for their technical expertise and envied for their ability to gather data all over the world-emerged as an important voice in the early modern scientific community. In the eighteenth century they ceased to have this sort of intellectual authority and ultimately ceased to be a religious order. Sojourners in a Strange Land reconstructs the fascinating story of the place of science in the French Jesuit missions in China. Florence Hsia's book offers a thoughtful and stimulating account of the politics of science and faith in the early modern world. She creatively reconstructs a culture of long-distance collaboration and conversation in the making of knowledge between Europe and China."-Paula Findlen, Stanford University (Paula Findlen )

"In this ingenious and erudite book, Florence Hsia explores the multiple routes along which the Jesuit missionaries took their message to seventeenth-century China. She shows how their attempted self-depictions as 'missionary-scientists' and 'Jesuit mandarins' ultimately backfired amidst the harsh realities of Qing dynasty court politics, European rivalries, and the intellectually competitive French Academy. By artfully combining history of science with intellectual history, religious studies, the history of publishing, and group biography, she brings new perspectives to this absorbing period of Sino-Western history."-Jonathan Spence, author of The Search for Modern China (Jonathan Spence )

"Sojourners in a Strange Land is a game-changing book that gives us a significantly refigured account of the last important phase of the Jesuit mission to China. Beginning in the 1680s, a small group of French Jesuits, supported by Louis XIV and the Acadamie, went east to China as men of science as well as Christian missionaries. Instead of merely transmitting established knowledge, their charge was to acquire new, scientific knowledge on their voyages to and sojourns in the strange land on the other side of the world. This book demonstrates for the first time the particular historical circumstances in which missionary-scientists, through their formal, 'curious' letters, educated Europeans more than they did the learned men of the Qing empire."-Willard J. Peterson, Princeton University (Willard J. Peterson )

"Sojourners in a Strange Land will be an essential addition to the literature on the encounter between China and Europe in the seventeenth century and the role played by scientific knowledge in that encounter. It is a subtle, erudite, and highly readable account of this complex episode in seventeenth-century world history." - Nicholas Dew, McGill University"

"This admirable book is more than the most comprehensive study of the scientific contributions of the French Jesuits in Qing China; it is also an insightful analysis into the cultural productions of the Jesuit missionary enterprise in late imperial China."-R. Po-chia Hsia, Pennsylvania State University (R. Po-chia Hsia )

"This fascinating book analyzes how the Jesuit scientists on the China mission presented themselves and their labors to the world at large and how that self-presentation was received. It at the same time assesses with a cool eye the Jesuits' scientific accomplishments and describes the controversies they provoked. Sojourners in a Strange Land provides a fresh look at a subject often obscured by myth."-John W. O'Malley, Georgetown University (John W. O'Malley )

Product Description

Though Jesuits assumed a variety of roles as missionaries in late imperial China, their most memorable guise was that of scientific expert, whose maps, clocks, astrolabes, and armillaries reportedly astonished the Chinese. But the icon of the missionary-scientist is itself a complex myth. Masterfully correcting the standard story of China Jesuits as simple conduits for Western science, Florence C. Hsia shows how these missionary-scientists remade themselves as they negotiated the place of the profane sciences in a religious enterprise.
Sojourners in a Strange Land develops a genealogy of Jesuit conceptions of scientific life within the Chinese mission field from the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries. Analyzing the printed record of their endeavors in natural philosophy and mathematics, Hsia identifies three models of the missionary man of science by their genres of writing: mission history, travelogue, and academic collection. Drawing on the history of early modern Europe’s scientific, religious, and print culture, she uses the elaboration and reception of these scientific personae to construct the first collective biography of the Jesuit missionary-scientist’s many incarnations in late imperial China.

About the Author
Florence C. Hsia is assistant professor of history of science at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.


04:40 Posted by sharpy , No comments
今天下午在看劍橋大學古典學教授Mary Beard著名的部落格A Don's Life,其中一篇談到英國倫敦大學因為經費問題,開始刪減校內人文學科的預算,除了將拜占庭與現代希臘研究併入古典學系外(這一點Mary Beard認為未嘗不可),最嚴重者,是打算完全拔除古文字學。(全文見此)

Mary Beard的部落格中有數篇文章都在討論相關的問題,也激起許多討論。看來在金融風暴的侵擾下,英國高等教育真是風雨飄搖,甚至有言要把哲學學科一同廢除,因其無用——就經濟財政面而言。但Mary Beard特別強調,財政困難、經濟衰退,不必然意味著高等教育的經費刪減,她以法、德兩國為例,這兩國政府在面臨經濟衰退之際,不但沒有怪罪高等教育(尤其是人文學科)浪費資源,或是像誰說過的「尸位素餐」,反而加碼投資。換言之,金融風暴處處都有,但怎麼應對,仍有個別選擇的餘地。



01:19 Posted by sharpy , , No comments

中国社会の歴史的展開 (単行本)
岸本 美緒 (著)
出版社: 放送大学教育振興会 (2007/03)






04:11 Posted by sharpy , No comments
十九世紀的美國博物學家Joseph Beal Steere(1842-1940)曾經來台作田野調查,有一天他在現在日月潭附近,遇到一群原住民。他寫到:





00:46 Posted by sharpy No comments









