歷史學家這一行業,我認為是在從事找尋、發掘與重構的工作,這是一項美妙的行業,但也是一項困難的行業,要做的好,必須投入相當的工作, 擁有許多不同領域的知識,以及具有一項真實的智識力量:好奇、想像、組織能力、清晰的表達,與公正不偏頗的思想,並具有對不同類型的人的感受力。 -Marc Bloch



21:13 Posted by sharpy , No comments
文化史是現前歷史研究當紅的主題,這大概無庸置疑。不過文化史究竟是甚麼呢?似乎又是眾說紛紜。昨天在看一本論文集"Cultures of Natural History",編者的導言中倒是有一些不錯的看法。所謂不錯的意思是,清晰明瞭,而且很能幫助研究者思考課題。


1. Material Practice: ways of making, handling and transforming things

2. Social Pracice: covers whole ranges of asscociations, recruitments, delegations and negotiations

3. Literary Pracitce: conventions of genre, representation and persuation

4. Bodily Practice: forms of bodily, sartorial or gestural self-presentation and normative accounts of physical and emotional experience in response to particular situation.

5. Reproductive Practice: the means by which skills and knowledge are handed on from generation to generation.


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