歷史學家這一行業,我認為是在從事找尋、發掘與重構的工作,這是一項美妙的行業,但也是一項困難的行業,要做的好,必須投入相當的工作, 擁有許多不同領域的知識,以及具有一項真實的智識力量:好奇、想像、組織能力、清晰的表達,與公正不偏頗的思想,並具有對不同類型的人的感受力。 -Marc Bloch


Medicine and the Body in Medieval and Early Modern Europe I

18:09 Posted by Unknown , , 2 comments

這學期的任務很單純,除了繼續上法文課外,就是準備資格考。我要考三個領域:East Asian Medicine, Medicine and the Body in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Late Imperial China。資格考試兩個鐘頭,口試,沒有筆試。大家都說,考試本身不是重點,重點是考前的準備。通常必須先跟口試的老師們修過課,考試前一個學期再選修個別的討論課,擬定書單,定期與老師見面,確保該讀的書、文章,還知道的東西都掌握了。很少人會在老師點頭說可以考之後,還未能通過口試的──雖然也不是沒有血淋淋的例子。而且考試現場的狀況似乎也五花八門,各種流言在學生之間口耳相傳著。我也不免時常感到焦躁。

負責東亞醫學史的栗山老師沒有著墨太多在書單上。開學第一次見面他只拋了兩個看似簡單的問題:1. 現在研究中有哪些特別受到注意的課題,又有哪些被忽略了?你要如何把現有的研究成果交給大學部的學生?2. 你會如何為中國(和日本)醫學史分期?我當場答的亂七八糟,所以就被給了兩個星期回家好好想想。

歐洲醫學史的老師Katy Park風格則不太一樣。她要我們擬定書單後,為每一本書或文章寫一個短的摘要,每兩個星期要交給她,再做討論。這實在是一個好的訓練,否則有時看完一篇文章,過一陣子內容也就忘了。在撰寫摘要的過程,往往也是重新把內容再想一遍,確認自己真的搞清楚內容了。有時我覺得應該隨時隨地都要這麼做,不過這事情也挺花時間的,一偷懶就無法持續了。


Approaches to the History of the Body
  1. Marcel Mauss, “Techniques of the Body,” Economy and Society 2.1 (1973): 95-123. 
  2. Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison,  trans. Alan Sheridan (New York: Pantheon, 1977), ch. 1.
  3. Roy Porter, “The History of the Body,” in Peter Burke, ed., New Perspectives on Historical Writing (University Park PA: Pensylvania State University Press, 1991), 206-32. 
  4. Caroline Bynum, "Why All the Fuss about the Body? A Medievalist's Perspective," Critical Inquiry 22.1 (1995): 1-33.
  5. Shigehisa Kuriyama, The Expressiveness of the Body and the Divergence of Greek and Chinese Medicine (New York: Zone Books, 1999).
Approaches to the History of Medicine
  1. Roy Porter, “The Patient’s View: Doing Medical History from Below,” Theory and Society, 14(1985): 175-98.
  2. Andrew Cunningham, “Identifying Disease in the Past: Cutting the Gordian Knot,” Asclepio 54 (2002): 13-34. 
Medieval Medicine: General Surveys
  1. Nancy G. Siraisi, Medieval and Early Renaissance Medicine: An Introduction to Knowledge and Practice (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990).
  2. Katharine Park, “Medicine and Society in Medieval Europe, 500-1500,” in History of Medicine in Society, ed. Andrew Wear (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 59-90.  
What’s New in Early Modern Medicine
  1. Harold Cook, “Medicine,” in Katharine Park and Lorraine Daston, eds. The Cambridge History of Science, vol. 3: Early Modern Science (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 208-34. 
  2. Anna Foa, “The New and the Old: The Spread of Syphilis (1494-1530),” trans. Carole C. Gallucci, in Sex and Gender in Historical Perspective, ed. Edward Muir and Guido Ruggiero (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990), 26-45. 
Histories of The Plague
  1. Ann Carmichael, Medicine and the Plague in Renaissance Florence (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985), ch. 2. 
  2. Ann G. Carmichael, “Universal and Particular: The Language of Plague, 1348–1500,” Medical History Supplement 27(2008): 17-52. 
  3. Giulia Calvi, Histories of a Plague Year: The Social and the Imaginary in Baroque Florence, trans. Dario Biocca and Bryant T. Ragan, Jr. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989).
The Patient’s Experience
  1. Sharon Farmer, “Down and Out and Female in Thirteenth-Century Paris,” American Historical Review 103 (1998), 345-72. 
  2. Esther Cohen, “The Animated Pain of the Body,” American Historical Review 105 (2000): 36-68.
  3. Carole Rawcliffe, Leprosy in Medieval England (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2006)
  1. Luke Demaitre, "The Care and Extension of Old Age in Medieval Medicine," in Michael M. Sheehan, ed., Aging and the Aged in Medieval Europe (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1990), 3-22.  
  2. Nitecki, Alicia. “Figures of Old Age in Fourteenth Century Literature,” in Michael M. Sheehan, ed., Aging and the Aged in Medieval Europe (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1990), 107-116. 


  1. sharpy兄,

  2. 當然沒問題。我希望陸續把剩下的也po上來。(完全就忙的沒時間...汗)
